Traducción y aprendizaje del inglés by Britannica
merriam webster

3 Resultados de traducción para north-northwest en español

adjective | | adverb

north-northwest adjective

unfavorite favorite play sound
del nor noroeste


unfavorite favorite play sound
nor noroeste

north-northwest adverb

unfavorite favorite play sound
hacia el nor noroeste

north noun

unfavorite favorite play sound

Ejemplos de uso de
north noun

  • The wind is coming from the north.
  • The birds migrate from the North.
  • Parts of the North were hit hard by the storm.
  • I grew up in the North.
  • The American Civil War was between the North and the South.

northwest noun

unfavorite favorite play sound

Ejemplos de uso de
northwest noun

  • A mountain range is in the northwest of the country.
  • We traveled throughout the Northwest.

Traducción inversa para north-northwest

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